
The build is in full swing! I’ve just finished a 15+hour training week that left me a bit worn out but honestly feeling good before the end. It was a busy week of work with a couple days spent working out of town. While I miss being with my family, I try to take as much advantage of being on the road as possible to log extra hours. Thanks to a dearth of storage space in my V8 Transition Pack, I typically bring everything but the kitchen sink with me on the road. And with the roadie on the back of the car, I’m usually all set for some random adventure time.

Continue reading “Bikeeee!”

The end of the year as we know it

Good-bye, 2018!  At the beginning of the year, I set out with some specific goals in mind.  I won’t rehash them except to say that I did at least hit one 🙂  Typically, I think of myself as being fairly focused on hitting goals but, as you can see, I clearly prioritize what I think is fun… And since I don’t foresee myself running a marathon tomorrow (maybe…) we’ll say I missed the running one just barely. Continue reading “The end of the year as we know it”

Raise the roof!

Hello again from the summer doldrums of Florida.  In case you are wondering, it is officially hot… very, very, hot.  And it seemingly happened overnight as we moved from mild, 70°F weather to temperatures soaring past 90°F 😦  Now is the time to get that early heat adaptation in and take maximum advantage of the break between Spring 70.3’s and the fall Ironman.  I’ve chased down all my De Soto Sport Skin Cooler gear and am ready to sweat out the summer! Continue reading “Raise the roof!”

Ironman 70.3 Gulf Coast – All the heat…

Transition 2.  Lying on my back, eyes closed, arms above my head, both thighs firmly locked in cramps.  Nearby, two small boys and their parents who had volunteered as a family in transition stood by.  I heard one of the boys ask, “Dad, is that man ok?”  “I’m not sure, son.  Sir, are you alright?”, I heard.  “Not yet, I’m not.” I replied, “But I’ll get there.”  As I lay there unable to move, shift, or reach my feet to put on running shoes I reflected on how I got to this point… Continue reading “Ironman 70.3 Gulf Coast – All the heat…”

Hello! Is it me you’re looking for?

Man… it has been a while since I kept up by blogging!  I’ve been a bit pre-occupied since Ironman 70.3 Florida with work, family, and training.  Unsurprisingly, blogging about the random trainings and fitness adventures has taken a huge back seat to all three of these.  But rest assured, I’ve still been fitting in a decent training load in preparation for Ironman 70.3 Gulf Coast coming up this week!  So, yes, you can now fall asleep in peace… Continue reading “Hello! Is it me you’re looking for?”

Why yes, I did train… surprised?

Whereas I thought the rest period surrounding Ironman 70.3 Florida would leave me lots of time to catch up on blogging, the reality is that I somehow was even busier than normal… Life finds a way… to keep you busy!  Anyhow, since I’ve already over written about my experience in Haines City racing, I’ll very quickly catch up on the couple weeks before and the week since the race. Continue reading “Why yes, I did train… surprised?”

Ironman 70.3 Florida – All the hills in Florida

Sunday, April 8, 2018, 4:15 AM, the hotel restroom: In as much silence as possible, I brewed hotel bathroom coffee and ate two bananas not realizing how weird this would probably seem to the outside world.  But it was race day and my Lyft ride would be arriving soon.  With less than three hours to the start of Ironman 70.3 Florida in Haines City, it didn’t even occur to me what odd behavior this was.  “Eat another banana,” I thought, “you’ll need it.” Continue reading “Ironman 70.3 Florida – All the hills in Florida”