Seaside Half Marathon 2020

Perhaps one of the more interesting changes in my training routine since Fall of 2019 has been the willful addition of a strange practice apparently known as the “rest day”. And, with a Monday of training rest and 3/4 kids tucked quietly in bed and 1/4 inconsolably refusing to allow the rest of us to sleep, I turn again to the keyboard to recount a race. “How,” you ask, “could you possibly write (again) about a race in which you run in a straight line one direction, then turn around and run straight back?” Read on and find out!

Continue reading “Seaside Half Marathon 2020”


The build is in full swing! I’ve just finished a 15+hour training week that left me a bit worn out but honestly feeling good before the end. It was a busy week of work with a couple days spent working out of town. While I miss being with my family, I try to take as much advantage of being on the road as possible to log extra hours. Thanks to a dearth of storage space in my V8 Transition Pack, I typically bring everything but the kitchen sink with me on the road. And with the roadie on the back of the car, I’m usually all set for some random adventure time.

Continue reading “Bikeeee!”


What goes down must come back up! That’s how the saying goes, right?

Greetings from week T-14 to Ironman Texas!  The timing for this event has worked out really nicely with the changing of the year and the theme of 2019 is definitely: rebuild. While my fitness level at the end of 2018 plummeted rather sharply, I’m happily building it back up to “happy” levels and am pleased that my overall fitness graph looks like a smiley face again 🙂  It’s worth pointing out that you can’t make a smiley face unless one side goes down… Thankfully, the other side goes back up! Continue reading “Rebuilding”

The end of the year as we know it

Good-bye, 2018!  At the beginning of the year, I set out with some specific goals in mind.  I won’t rehash them except to say that I did at least hit one 🙂  Typically, I think of myself as being fairly focused on hitting goals but, as you can see, I clearly prioritize what I think is fun… And since I don’t foresee myself running a marathon tomorrow (maybe…) we’ll say I missed the running one just barely. Continue reading “The end of the year as we know it”

Not always rainbows…

Despite being less bloggy about it the last few weeks or so, I am indeed still training and on track for Ironman Florida.  I’m in my final building weeks before go day and, I’ve got to say, I’ve reached a special place… This past week, I encountered a situation I’ve never experienced before–I didn’t enjoy a run.  Yes, I’ve had tough runs before but each has inevitably had its high point or some enjoyable miles.  This run was supposed to be 14-miles but from the very first step, I wasn’t in to it.  My legs hurt from toe to hip, it was hot, and my mind only seemed to be able to think of how much better it would be to just go home.  I did manage to stick with it, though, and made it just over 12-miles before I was back at the house.  I immediately looked back on the run and realized that there wasn’t a single step that I enjoyed.  It was a miserable slog from beginning to end.  I was, however, glad that I stuck with it knowing that there will almost definitely be a moment in the Ironman where I’m going to want to quit. Continue reading “Not always rainbows…”

There and back again…

Not a hobbit’s tale; not by Bilbo Baggins.

Well it’s been a little while, eh?  Not to worry, we’ve been as busy as always.  Busy seems to be the only way to be for everyone these days.  As I drop Molly off for school, or Cade shows me how a transformer works, or Brooks speaks to me in full sentences I just wish the time would slow down.  But that’s not how life works so, instead, I’m just trying to soak up every memory along the way 🙂  Moving just as quickly is the countdown to Ironman Florida!  Not to worry, I’m soaking up the training as well 😉 Continue reading “There and back again…”

Just roll with it…

It has been a busy couple of weeks here at casa de Fielding.  Our oldest has started Kindergarten in what seems to have been less than a blink of an eye.  I feel far too young to have children in school.  But as with all changes in life, it will be normal before long.  Instead of obsessing (too much) over miles and times, I instead spent the last couple of weeks just enjoying the last of a beautiful stage of our family life.  We are now beyond the pre-school years and have entered the world of homework, lunch prep, and (more) responsibility. Continue reading “Just roll with it…”

Don’t eat that, and other words of spousal wisdom…

“That kale smells like its gone bad,” said my wife as she walked by me in the kitchen.  “Smells fine to me,” I replied idiotically.  And that’s basically how this week went!  After ignoring the nasal wisdom of my wife, I spent a few days paying for my ignorance via stomach-ache… lame!  Lesson learned: listen to your spouse.  As a much more intuitive person than myself, I should have learned this by now, but I am instead obstinate in my determination to continue being bull-headed. Continue reading “Don’t eat that, and other words of spousal wisdom…”

Shocking… myself

Greeting from Florida where it continues to be hotter than the surface of the sun!  The humidity around this place has become downright shocking these last couple weeks forcing us to all but abandon even trying to do anything during the middle of the day.  The kids and I wandered into the back yard to pick up some toys this week and it wasn’t an entire minute before Molly let me know that it was too hot to be outside… wise words, child, but pick them toys up! Continue reading “Shocking… myself”

As I lay charging…

As a fan of electronic goo-gahs and sensors galore, I do occasionally run into the odd “charging fail”.  So I figure I’ll just sit here while my footpod charges up and catch up on blogging 🙂  “But, John,” you say, “couldn’t you just do the same workout without this strange sensor of yours and it all be the same?”  You’re logic has no place here!  Move along…  because if I don’t have the footpod, the treadmill run won’t connect to Zwift (online training platform) and that’s just wrong. Continue reading “As I lay charging…”